Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How to Embed Tweet on Blogspot - Posting Tweet on Blogger

I always wonder if embedding a tweet in Blogspot will be as simple as pasting the Twitter status update URL, just like what you do on WordPress. On WordPress, you just copy the URL of the tweet that you like to embed on WordPress, paste on the line and WordPress will do the rest.

In Blogspot, well it turns out it's trickier, well a little bit. Go first to the URL of the Tweet by pressing the time seen at the top. You can see here on this screenshot the "3h" and dialog box that say "7:22 PM - 30 Jun 2014". Press the "3H"

As you can see on every tweet, there's a set of options at the bottom that include 'Reply'(with 1 arrow), 'Retweet' (2 arrows), 'Favorite' (star) and 'More' (3 dots).

When you press 'More' it will show you an option that say 'Embed Tweet'. Press 'Embed Tweet' and a window will now show an HTML code, with a preview beneath it. Copy this code. (the code starts with this -- <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p> text, text, etc...)

On Blogger, paste the HTML code so they can now be seen on your post. That's it, you can now display the Tweet as it is on your post on Blogger.

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